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Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction  |  大尺度海气相互作用

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Understanding the development of the 2018/19 central Pacific El Niño

|  理解2018/19太平洋El Niño

Tropical oceanic response to extratropical thermal forcing in a coupled climate model:  A comparison between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

|  热带-热带外相互作用:大西洋与太平洋

Anatomizing the ocean role in ENSO changes under global warming

|  全球变暖下海洋在ENSO变化中的角色

ENSO amplitude change in observation and coupled models

|  观测和耦合模式中的ENSO振幅变化

Estimating the nonlinear response of tropical ocean to extratropical forcing in a coupled climate model

|  估计热带外对热带气候的非线性影响

An idealized study of the impact of extratropical climate change on ENSO

|  热带外气候影响ENSO的耦合模式研究

Tropical-extratropical climate interaction as revealed in idealized coupled climate model experiments

|  热带-热带外气候相互作用的耦合模式研究

How does extratropical warming affect ENSO?

|  热带外增暖对ENSO的影响

On the decadal and interdecadal variability in the Pacific Ocean

|  太平洋年代际-多年代际振荡

Extratropical control on tropical climate, the atmospheric bridge and oceanic tunnel

|  热带外-热带气候:大气桥梁与海洋通道







·  Climate Dynamics  |  气候动力学

·  Ocean Circulation  |  大洋环流


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Last Updated: Wednesday, November 14, 2022